Summer Safety Tips for Children and Adults | Brian Yusem

Summer is here! It's time to remind ourselves to stay safe and take precautions to deal with hot weather. You need to take good care of yourself and your children to protect from the sun's heat. In this article, we share a few summer safety tips for children and adults. Make sure to follow them for a safe and fun filled summer.

Summer safety tips for children:

Summer is a time when schools are closed and children are in a very happy mood. One thing that they like most is to play outside the house or in parks. They will be so active and engrossed in playing that they don't even care if they are sweating, thirsty or are hurt. But, as parents we should monitor our children while playing and protect them from sun.

• Keep your children hydrated and make sure you give them plenty of water to drink.

• Make it a habit to give fluids like glucose water and juices such as lime juice, sugarcane juice, and butter milk to prevent dehydration.

• To protect your children's skin from harmful ultraviolet rays, make them wear a hat, sunglasses with UV protection and apply low SPF sunscreen lotion on the exposed body parts.

• Make sure children don't play at mid-day (11 am to 4 pm) when the sun's rays are strongest. Let them play where there is shade.

• Dress your children in cottons and make sure the clothes they wear are light coloured and loose fitting.

• It is necessary to give your children a bath with lukewarm water twice a day. It keeps them fresh. After bath apply mild talcum powder all over the body (especially armpits).

Summer safety tips for adults:

Protect yourself from getting burned. Cover up with clothes, wide-brimmed hat and UV sunglasses. Prefer wearing clothes that are of pastel (light) colours, lightweight (better to prefer cottons), and loose-fitting.

• Drink enough home-made fluids/juices.

• Drink water regularly throughout the day. Ideally, one should drink at least 2 to 3 litres of water per day. Don't leave home without a bottle of water.

• Limit yourself from drinking alcohol and coffee (caffeine) beverages. Drinking too much of these beverages may cause dehydration.

• Avoid sun exposure when it's at its hottest; during this time the sun's UV rays are damaging to your health and skin. It is advisable to plan your outdoors later in the evening.

• Use sunscreen with SPF of 15 or higher that has both UVA and UVB protection. Apply sunscreen 15-30 minutes before going out in the sun. Make sure you apply on the exposed parts of the body and reapply after every 2 or 3 hours.

• Avoid eating fried items completely; it can be very harsh on the stomach, causing digestive problems. Better to avoid them as much as possible.
