
Brian Yusem | Important Baby Oral Health Tips

Babies and toddlers are a bundle of joy. They bring life to any household with their cute little human ways. But what happens when while you are playing and hugging your little toddler, you get a whiff of stinky bad breath - and it's not coming from you? This may come as a surprise for some but even the most adorable toddlers can suffer from bad breath. And because they are still very young to do preventive measures on their own, it is up to all the parents to do the necessary remedies to help fight stinky breaths. Just like adults, bad breath in toddlers can be caused by different factors. It may be because of poor oral hygiene, buildup of tartar and cavity, dehydration, or throat infection. Thumb sucking and using of pacifiers can also contribute in toddler's bad breath. To combat this problem, it would be best to do some or all of these tips in preventing foul-smelling breath in your little ones. *    Make sure that your kid's teeth and mouth are cleaned regularly.

Summer Safety Tips for Children and Adults | Brian Yusem

Summer is here! It's time to remind ourselves to stay safe and take precautions to deal with hot weather. You need to take good care of yourself and your children to protect from the sun's heat. In this article, we share a few summer safety tips for children and adults. Make sure to follow them for a safe and fun filled summer. Summer safety tips for children: Summer is a time when schools are closed and children are in a very happy mood. One thing that they like most is to play outside the house or in parks. They will be so active and engrossed in playing that they don't even care if they are sweating, thirsty or are hurt. But, as parents we should monitor our children while playing and protect them from sun. • Keep your children hydrated and make sure you give them plenty of water to drink. • Make it a habit to give fluids like glucose water and juices such as lime juice, sugarcane juice, and butter milk to prevent dehydration. • To protect your children's skin

Health Tips for Kids | Brian Yusem

Obesity among kids is increasing at an alarming rate. What should you, as a parent, do to prevent this epidemic from spreading? These tips may help you: Health Tips for Kids 1. Lead a healthy lifestyle - you can't teach a child healthy habits if they don't see the same habits in you. As the parent, you should serve as their role models. A lot of parents cheat and pretend to lead healthy lives only when their kids are looking. Be warned: kids see more than you think. By leading a healthy life, you will be acting responsibly as well as improving your own living condition. 2. Start young - make sure that you start training your kids to eat healthy foods as well as lead healthy lives early. This way, when they grow up, they'll be able to make healthy choices on their own. A lot of parents start feeding their children vegetables too late. This equals tantrums and poor compromises. When children learn at a very young age that vegetables can be delicious and good for them,

Effective Health Tips For Healthy Living | Brian Yusem

We live in a day and age when scientific advancements and medical breakthroughs happen on a regular basis. We can live healthy lives than what most of our ancestors could even dream of. Yet, we find a large percentage of the population going through sickness and disease of one kind or another. Sadly, most of it could have been avoided through healthy living habits. Many people adopt wrong habits that lead to health issues. Here are some health tips to live a healthy and productive life. Effective Health Tips For Healthy Living Mental Hygiene Most people assume that health problems are produced purely by physical causes. However, research has shown that the mind could be the cause of a large number of ailments. Fear, stress, anxiety, bitterness, anger, jealousy, uncontrollable rage, and a variety of other destructive emotions can lead to a number of health complications. Having a positive outlook arising from a peace that comes from within is essential for a healthy life. A clear